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ROTARY DISTRICT 6920 Central, South Central, Southeast, & Coastal Georgia
February is World Understanding Month: Focusing on Peace & Conflict Prevention and Resolution February 23 is the Birthday of Rotary !
Your 5 February "R-MAD” Goals: “Rotarians Making a Difference”
1. Feb Is: Peace & Conflict Prevention and Resolution Month YOUR ALL CLUBS CHALLENGE: Present a Club Program focused on -- the Rich History of our GRSP Program or on The Rotary Peace Scholars Program with a program teaching Mediation.
2. Work on Your Celebration Citations for 2017-18 Form For Rotary Members: Click HERE & For Rotary Clubs: Click Here
You can attend a 45 min. Training Webinar. Details, Click HERE
Special Message to Club Presidents from DG Hamsa: I encourage all Club Presidents especially to continue to strive for excellence in club operations, service, and public image during the second half of this Rotary year. Be sure to strive for qualification for your Club of RI President, Ian Riseley’s 2017-18 coveted Presidential Citation. I am looking forward to celebrating your success at the All Clubs celebration Conference in Jekyll.
3. Enter Goals/Goal Achievements in Rotary Club Central (29 Clubs show zero goals). CLICK HERE for details
4. Contribute to Foundation/PolioPlus. Click Here for details on Club contributions
In This Newsletter: Your Table of Contents
Sec. A. Top Priority: District News & Upcoming Events 1. Important Reminders for February & March 2. All Clubs Conference - Have you REGISTERED? 3. Our Own Rotary Peace Scholar- Update from Gil Tharp Scholarship Winner James Ferencsik 4. Announcing GRSP Scholars for 2018-19- Promoting world peace through understanding 5. Experiencing the culture of rural India- Facebook posts from our GSE/Friendship Exchange Team in India 6. Plans for hosting GSE/Friendship Exchange Team from India 7. Rotary Has Heart - - Your February Club Service Challenge! 8. Using DACdb - - GREAT STUFF At Your Fingertips! 9. DG Hamsa’s January Club Visits: Highlights & Photos 10. DG Hamsa’s February Official Schedule
Sec. B. DISTRICT PROJECTS: Initiatives & Plans 1. Entrepreneurship Partnerships a. Hinesville STEAM Celebration b. Sandersville Entrepreneurship Partnership c. Dublin Susie Dasher STEAM Update d. Augusta West battles Literacy 2. Saving Lives with Medicine a. Valdosta Partnership Health Clinic Update & Statistics b. Brunswick CMAP reporting in, all smiles!
Sec. C. CLUBS & MEMBERS: Club News & Events 1. Savannah Area Clubs take action to create a vibrant Rotary ecosystem in Savannah 2. PDG Preston Johnson Speech Contest 3. Metro Savannah Habitat for Humanity Partnership 4. Wrightsville Welcomes DG Hamsa 5. December Service: Kings Bay & Sandersville
Sec. D. YOUTH: GRSP, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact 1. Richmond Hill - - GRSP student ‘quality time’ over Holidays - 2. Rota-Cadets in Valdosta - Making A Difference!
Sec. E. TOOLS: Citations, Resources, Contact Us, Calendar 1. Resources 2. Facebook 3. Citation Brochures 4. Rotary International News (links) 5. Contact US - Our District Contact Info - 6. Social Media Links
A. Top Priority: District News/Events
Important Reminders: District Events & Deadlines
February & March
Celebration Citation Training Via ‘Go to Meeting’ Webinar
Join our District Citation Chair, Dr Renee Fontenot as she walks through the forms! 2 Options: Saturday Feb. 10 (10am) Monday Feb. 12 (5:30pm)
CLICK HERE for ALL the Details & More
Fireside Chats: EVERY CLUB in District 6920 is Encouraged to host a Fireside Chat Event in February or March. Identify and invite those in your community (Rotarians and beyond) you think might be able to help us ELIMINATE POLIO FOREVER. We are ‘this’ close! Contact DGE Margaret at margaretdg6920@gmail.com for more details.
Saturday February 17: Service Day at MAP International40 Rotarians, Interactors & Rotaractors from across District 6920 will help Package perscription drugs as part of the Saving Lives With Medicine Initiative
February 24-25: President Elect Training Seminar (PETS)
This is THE MOST IMPORTANT Training of the year for all Presidents-Elect! Structured for incoming: Club Presidents, AGs & Governors Nominee in all three Georgia Rotary Districts: 6900, 6910 & 6920 Presidents Nominee & Presidents Nominee Designee are encouraged to attend CLICK HERE for More Info
March 31: Celebration Citation Reporting Deadline! This is IMPORTANT for EVERY CLUB and EVERY ROTARIAN! Every Club and Rotarian must report their Service for this Rotary Year BY MARCH 31 CLICK HERE for the Tracking Forms you’ll complete & turn in. Questions? Confusion? OK! Email: Dr. Renee Fontenot: renee.fontenot@gcsu.edu
FEBRUARY 1 - MAY 31 Applications accepted for Rotary Peace Fellowships
Click HERE for information about this extraordinary Rotary Opportunity
From District Governor Hamsa
ALL CLUBS CONFERENCE Let’s celebrate Rotary and all the great things all the clubs in District 6920 have done this year by attending “Our” All Clubs Celebration at the beaches of Jekyll Island. The Celebration is designed to engage Rotarians, their guests and families for a weekend of great stories, educational breakouts, great fellowship and family fun at the beach. Enjoy a relaxed time with your fellow club members and Rotarians and their families from all around District 6920. We Invite & Encourage all Rotarians to attend. The celebration is not just for the club leadership team, but all Rotarians in the District. The weekend will be filled with family fun. A cookout at the beach is scheduled for Friday evening
Thanks to an incredible gift of ‘Points’ from a beloved Georgia Rotarian - We have a special opportunity for ALL Rotarians in District 6920. If you will donate to the Rotary Foundation (for either the annual fund or Polio Plus) between now and April 1st - Your gift (minimum $100, Maximum $500) will be matched 1:1 This means YOU can become a PHF or new level PHF - (or honor a loved one) - with a gift of $500. Those who donate $500 or more will be invited to a special Foundation dinner @$100/person on Thursday April 26th in Jekyll Island - as we kick off the ALL Club Celebration!
Make your Check Payable to The Rotary Foundation and send to: Paula Goodnow 120 N May Street Kingsland, GA 31548
You can also email Paula for more details at: paulagoodnow@hotmail.com
Special Message to 2017-18 Rotary Club Presidents from DG Hamsa - I want to thank those of you working towards qualifying your Clubs to receive RI president Ian Riseley’s 2017-18 Presidential Citation. Recently - I sent all Club presidents a file from the Rotary Citation Dashboard to review your Club’s progress towards achieving the coveted Presidential Citation. I encourage you to continue and strive for excellence in club operations, service, and public image during the second half of 2017-18 Rotary year. I am looking forward to celebrating your success at the All Clubs celebration Conference in Jekyll.
Congratulations to Our Rotary Peace Scholar
DG Hamas found it a pleasure to have lunch with James Ferencsik and his mom Beth Quigley in Savannah recently. DGN Mike Muldowney also joined them for lunch. DG Hamsa noted: "The late Gil Tharp was a member of St Simons Rotary Club and a good friend of my family. He was our first family photographer in St Simons. Gill will be very happy that a deserving student from our District is the winner of his named Rotary global grant scholarship and that James plans to pursue a career in peace and conflict resolution.” James’s mom Beth is a real estate agent in Savannah and a member of the Savannah East Rotary Club. Pictured with Gov Hamsa: James Ferencsik, Mike Muldowney and Beth Quigley.
James plans to
pursue a career in public service trying to use diplomacy to prevent and
resolve religious conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa. He notes: "Rotarian Gil
Tharp’s foresight and generosity have been and will be instrumental in reaching
that goal. His global grant scholarship has allowed me to study international
security with a Middle East concentration at Sciences Po in Paris. There, I
have been immersed in a diverse, multilingual environment and given the
opportunity to fine tune many of the skills needed to pursue my desired career.
It has been a tremendous opportunity, and I cannot thank Mr. Tharp enough for
his support.” Congratulations James and Beth!
News From our District GRSP Leadership
The Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) held their winter Trustee meeting on Friday, January 19th in Savannah. The primary topic of discussion was the strategic planning process for the organization. On Saturday, January 20th Trustees met with a facilitator from the University of Georgia’s J. W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development to provide input on the strategic plan. The Trustees also selected the 2018-2019 GRSP class. This year D6920 has 24 clubs hosting 11 students, 9 women & 2 men, from 5 countries & attending 8 universities across our District. This is an increase of 3 clubs hosting and 2 additional students in D6920 from 2017-2018. In total 46 students were selected representing 16 countries. Once students accept the scholarship and are admitted to a university, the clubs, host families, and Trustees can begin to contact their students. The students will begin arriving in late July and early August. They will meet as a group for the first time at the annual Conclave which will be hosted this year in Brasstown Valley August 24-26. Host families, club presidents, and Trustees are encouraged to attend. Registration will open later this year through the GRSP website @ www.grsp.org
OUR GSE/Friendship Exchange TEAM-Experiencing India now!
Outgoing Team Featured as “Home Town Heros" on WTOC !
YOU can Share the Adventure Click HERE to see their GSE/Friendship Exchange TEAM Facebook page
CLICK HERE to visit Team Member Brigitte Cabeza Shanken’s Facebook page - FULL of photos and experiences!
CLICK HERE to visit Team Member Lisa Nellor Grove’s Facebook page - FULL of MORE photos and experiences!
CLICK HERE to visit Team Member Cari Clark Phelps' Facebook page - YES- more photos and experiences!
CLICK HERE to visit Team Leader John Neely's Facebook page - (what? you didn’t think he was an avid ‘facebooker’?)
CLICK HERE visit Team Member Jasmine Head's Facebook
CLICK HERE visit Team Member Joey Darley's Facebook page
Plans Underway for INCOMING GSE/Friendship Exchange Team
The first planning meeting for the incoming Friendship Exchange/GSE team from India was held in January as our District GSE Committee began work to select host clubs for the visiting Friendship Exchange Team from D3150 in India. The Indian team consists of six Rotarians including the team leader. Recommended, is a 2 to 3 Night stay in each city, where our visitors will be hosted by local Rotarians in their homes. YOUR help is needed! Bios are available for anyone wishing to learn more. To access the bios and meet our future guests, click here:
The team will spend four weeks in our district visiting 8 to 10 cities and will be hosted by local Rotary clubs. They will conclude their visit after the All Clubs Celebration conference on Jekyll Island, April 27 – 29.
Andy Lohn, as Committee co-chair, looks forward to finalizing the itinerary soon.
IN FEBRUARY All Clubs in our Zone (34) are asked to SERVE in your Community Participate in a hunger project to ‘Make A Difference’ and Demonstrate By Doing, that ROTARY HAS HEART
Each Club can decide for themselves what their project will be - Primary is to put food on an empty plate, fill an empty stomach, & bring a ray of hope to the hungry.
& for sample Local Government Proclamation: CLICK HERE
DID YOU KNOW: Our District - Your Club - and EVERY ROTARIAN - has access to a wonderful “cloud-based’ Data management system called DACdb. With it - you can find and use a truckload of info about your club, our District - and the Rotary World. It includes Calendars, a mailing system, member information and so much more. And did you know? You can also: Track Volunteer Hours, Keep Attendance records, Organize Committees and leadership into groups for easy communication (emails), update member records, and (check this) - USE DACdb to Set up an Event, register attendees, and even follow TICKET SALES. Intrigued? CLICK HERE for details.
DG Hamsa’s January Club Visit Highlights!
As We Celebrate the New Year - DG Hamsa shifted into yet a HIGHER gear- as our Rotary Year now enters the CRITICAL time for Achieving GOALS in both Clubs and our District - as we head toward All Club Celebration April 27-29 - and year end!
The DG’s January Club Visits included: Waynesboro, Wrightsville, Metropolitan Savannah, Cochran & Vidalia
In Addition: to see all the events, photos & fun in January on Hamsa’s 2 Facebook Pages.
DG Hamsa’s - FEBRUARY - Club Visit Schedule
B. DISTRICT Projects, Initiatives, & Plans
The Hinesville Rotary Club STEAM Celebration: CHECK IT OUT !
The Rotary Club of Hinesville will sponsor a STEAM & Entrepreneurship Celebration The Event Feb. 10th from 10am to 1pm. This family friendly, fund event will enable elementary-middle school aged youth to participate in hands on activities. Rotarians and community members will challenge our youth to think the unthinkable. They will be encouraged to visualize themselves in a work environment and spark the spark inside of themselves. Club Members will tailor this event so the community youth can visualize themselves as an entrepreneur and business person in the industries focusing in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ARTS & ARCHITECTURE, & MATH.
The Hinesville Rotary Club STEAM Celebration is February 10, from 10am-1pm at the Georgia Southern Liberty Campus, Hinesville - and is NOT to be Missed. It’s open to the community as well as Rotarians throughout our district. Working with the community; Georgia Southern, The Liberty County Chamber of Commerce, & club members/entrepreneurs,- many skilled and dedicated people will come together on February 10, 2018 from 10am-1pm at the Georgia Southern-Liberty Campus.
This event is a vision of the Rotary Governor, Hamsa Thota, and will come to fruition in Hinesville, where Carla Schreihofer, Club President, hopes 1000 children, ages 1st-8th grade will meet Rotarians and learn about how they can use the resources of STEAM to reach for (and achieve) a career. Carla and Shannon Hickey, Club Chair for the STEAM Celebration are invested in our children and passionate about developing this precious community resource as they teach children to think, solve problems, plan and dream about their futures. IF YOUR CLUB is considering a STEAM project - - we recommend you send a delegation to this event for a ‘look-see’ -
Statesboro Rotary partners with BIG-3 Day Startup
Our vision is to create a new youth entrepreneurship ecosystem through partnerships with schools and higher educational institutions in Georgia.The Business Innovation Group (BIG) at Georgia Southern University hosts 3 Day Startup (3DS) program in February each year. 3DS is an intense learning-by-doing entrepreneurship workshop where students start businesses over the course of the three day weekend. Mentors are a crucial part of the program. The BIG is partnering with Rotary Clubs in Statesboro to recruit Rotarians as mentors in the 2018 3DS program. According to DG Hamsa "Rotarians are uniquely qualified to mentor 3DS students because we are business leaders with proven experience. We have the knowledge and know how to encourage them to create sustainable and profitable businesses. It’s also an opportunity for Rotarians to recruit Rotaractors from some of the most talented college students participating in the 3DS program”. GA Southern Business Innovation Group and Statesboro Rotary Clubs are excited about this partnership to cultivate new generations of entrepreneurs locally. They are planning to bring their 3DS team to participate in the Rotary Entrepreneurship Showcase at the All Clubs Celebration Conference in Jekyll Island (April 27-29, 2018).
Sandersville Club Participates in Entrepreneurship Project
through Mock Interview Mentoring Partnership
Sandersville Rotary Club has teamed up with Washington County High School to do mock interviews with students from the CTAE class. Mr. Tim May, Assistant Principal and CTAE Director found that while most of the students had the skills needed for employment they were lacking in interview skills. The CTAE students are primarily employed in six areas: Business, Technology, Construction, Automotive, Agriculture and Early Childhood Education. Rotarians from these areas will provide job descriptions from these areas to the students in the next few weeks and the students will practice interviewing for their chosen job. In March Rotarians will interview the students and give Mr. May a critique of the interview to Rotarian Ron May to review with each student. The picture shows some of the students along with Amy Vickers, School Improvement Specialist and Tim May, Assistant Principal and CTAE Director.”
DUBLIN ROTARY REPORTS:Thanks to a grant from Georgia SNAP-Ed, Susie Dasher Elementary School’s Tinker Yard is one step closer to becoming a functioning garden and STEAM sanctuary. The grant, similar to the one employed near the Market on Madison, is designed to help connect students to the growing process in hopes of teaching them healthy eating habits. The long-term hope for the gardens, according to SMArt Lab coordinator, Shayna Morgan, is to sell vegetables grown in the beds at the Farmers Market this spring. This will help tie the project to a recent entrepreneurship initiative between Susie Dasher and Dublin Rotary, where students will learn fundamental business skills in hopes of inspiring future entrepreneurs. Special thanks to T. Lake Environmental, and Rotarian Tim Lake, for installing the beds and irrigation system, and to the City of Dublin for the top soil.
Augusta West Rotary Club partners with educators at A. Brian Merry Elementary School to combat illiteracy "ONE Book / ONE Child" at a time. The Rotarians are passionate about volunteering their time, talent and/or treasure to help administrators, teachers and students reach their educational goals. From facility beautification - teacher appreciation - donating school supplies - or tutoring students, AWRC is present every week of the school year providing a positive impact on a child's life. A new literacy initiative adopted by the Club is asking every Guest Speaker to write a personal note and autograph two reading books to be donated to the school library in lieu of receiving a small gift of appreciation. Congressman Rick Allen was excited about the new initiative; he was even the first speaker to autograph the books.
Early Program Figures from MAP International, October - December 2017 Through the support of Rotary District 6920, MAP International provided six shipments of medicines to patients served by Coastal Medical Access Project (CMAP) in Brunswick, GA and Partnership Health Center (PHC) in Valdosta, GA.
Rotary-MAP International Partnership Completes Successful Pilot Phase of
Medicines Program and Provides Prescription Assistance to 140 Citizens
(BRUNSWICK, GA) The local district of Rotary and MAP International provided medical
relief to 140 citizens in Valdosta during the first 90 days of the partnership’s pilot
program. The program, called Rotary-MAP Saving Lives with Medicine Project, aims to
provide prescription assistance to local citizens who have fallen through the cracks of
the healthcare system.
The Partnership Health Center (PHC) in Valdosta, GA, is one of the participating clinics
in the pilot which provides free medicine to high-risk, indigent patients.
At the PHC, 140 patients benefitted from the program during the first three months
alone. Over half of the patients were considered high-risk, being treated for a variety
of medical issues including hypertension, Type II diabetes, asthma and high cholesterol.
(this is confusing when you mention 140 patients in the previous sentence).
High-risk patients are defined as those with a history of non-compliance with treatment
protocols. These patients are typically unable to afford reduced cost medicines and are
usually enrolled in a Patient Assistance Program that requires 1-2 months processing
time before medicines are made available These patients were able to receive the
needed medicines because of the partnership between MAP International and Rotary
District 6920.
“This program is exceeding our highest expectations,” said Dr. Hamsa Thota, Rotary’s
District Governor. “We knew we wanted to save lives by providing medicines to at-risk
patients, but we had no idea how needed this program was or how successful it really
would be.”
Improvement for treated patients was measured using three health indicators. The
outcomes were impressive revealing that patients had healthy blood pressure levels,
cholesterol levels below 240 and HbA1c levels below 9 percent.
With such successful results, the program will continue into the second phase of the
pilot and expand to provide free medicine to indigent patients in health clinics in
central and south Georgia.
“The results of this pilot study exceeded our expectations. MAP looks forward to
expanding this program to additional communities”, said Steve Stirling, MAP President
& CEO.
“We are tremendously thankful for this program,” said John Sparks, CEO of the PHC.
“Our patients are receiving medicines that would not otherwise be available to them,
and we are watching these treatments increase our patients’ quality of living and
chances of survival.”
About MAP International
MAP International is a Christian organization providing life-changing medicines and
health supplies to people in need. MAP serves all people, regardless of religion, gender,
race, nationality, or ethnic background. For more information, visit map.org
About Rotary International District 6920
Rotary International is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and
problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at
home and abroad. Our guiding principles have been the foundation of our values:
service, fellowship, diversity, integrity, and leadership. Rotary members believe that we
have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Rotary
District 6920 consists of 63 clubs with a membership of over 3200 Rotary members
scattered throughout southeast Georgia including Macon, Augusta, Valdosta, Brunswick,
Camden, Tift, and Savannah.
Martin Smith
Director of Marketing and Communications
(912) 280-6636
Elizabeth Poole
Carriage Trade Public Relations
Valdosta Rotary Celebrates Saving Lives W Medicine
Members of Rotary District 6920 visited the Partnership Health Clinic in Valdosta on Friday, January 12, 2017. Pictured first row (L to R)) Dr. Miriam Urizar Rittmeyer, Rotary Club of Savannah; Dr. Dennis Marks, PP Valdosta Rotary Club; Dr. Hamsa Thota, Rotary 6920 DG; Jaqueline Hickman, Partnership Health Clinic; and Hannah Cheek, Partnership Health Clinic. Second row (L to R) Brent James, PP Nashville-Berrien Rotary Club; Keith Stone, PP Nashville-Berrien Rotary Club; Steve Barnes, Rotary 6920 AG; and John Sparks, Director of South Georgia Partnership for Health.
Press Release: On Friday, January 12, representatives of the Valdosta Rotary Club, Valdosta North Rotary Club, and the Nashville-Berrien Rotary Club visited the Partnership for Health Clinic in Valdosta to learn more about the benefits of Rotary District 6920 Saving Lives with Medicine program.
In partnership with MAP International, the Valdosta Rotary Club, Valdosta North Rotary Club, Nashville-Berrien Rotary Club, and Rotary Club of Brunswick are providing funds associated with the shipping and handling of medication to the Partnership for Health Clinic in Valdosta and the Coastal Medical Access Project in Brunswick. As part of a pilot program, MAP International provides free medication for qualified patients in four classes of disease: hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and asthma.
According to John Sparks, director of South Georgia Partnership for Health, the Partnership Health Center serves the primary medical needs of uninsured adults with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level guidelines. The Saving Lives with Medicine program began in fall 2017, and the Partnership for Health Clinic has already documented beneficial results.
According to Jaqueline Hickman, the clinic’s pharmacy manager, during October through December 2017, 79 high-risk patients received medicine for control of hypertension, type II diabetes, asthma, and high cholesterol. “For all of those who received the initial dose of medicine through the clinic, we had 95 percent that showed improvement,” Hickman said. “This just includes those who were seen for a follow-up appointment.”
Having medication available before the patient leaves the clinic is an essential factor in healthcare success. “Transportation is an issue for many of our patients,” Hickman said. “They may be able to get a ride to the clinic but then having to go to the pharmacy to pick up their medicine provides an additional hardship.”
Hannah Cheek, clinic director for Partnership for Health, said the program is showing improvement in compliance of patients taking their medication. “Before the patient might have to drive to several pharmacies to get their medication,” Cheek said. “Now we can start them immediately on their therapy and not have to worry how long they will go before they begin taking their medicine.”
Additional Details regarding Progress at the PHC Pilot Program From DG Hamsa -
The PHC is one of the clinics partnering with Rotary and MAP International in the pilot test to provide free medicine to high risk indigent patients. During my recent visit to PHC along with Rotarians from Valdosta, Valdosta North and Nashville-Berrien Rotary Clubs. Also, AG Steve Barnes and senior technical advisor, Dr. Miriam Rittmeyer joined in our discussions, PHC CEO John Sparks (also a Taskforce member) and his staff, Jaqueline Hickman and Hannah Cheek reviewed first quarter results for “Saving Lives with Medicine” pilot test project. At the PHC, a Total of 140 people were benefitted by Rotary-MAP free medicines during the first quarter of pilot test. 79 patients high risk patients received medicines for control of hypertension, type II diabetes, asthma and or high cholesterol at the time of clinic visit. Also 68 high risk patients received medicines for acute illness. Improvement to patient’s health was measured using three health indicators. Improvement rates were impressive. |
● | 60% of high risk patients receiving Rotary-MAP free medicines had HbA1c levels less than 9.0% | ● | 58% of high risk patients receiving Rotary-MAP free medicines had blood pressure readings below 140/90 mm Hg. | ● | 86% of high risk patients receiving Rotary-MAP free medicines had cholesterol levels below 240 mg/dl |
High risk patients are defined as those that have a history of non-compliance with treatment protocols, are unable to afford reduced cost medicines and/or enrolled in a Patient Assistance Program that requires 1-2 months processing time before medicines are made available. I appreciate your service as a member of the Rotary-MAP Saving Lives with Medicine project. We are saving lives in Georgia today because of the professional knowledge and skills our our Rotarians and Clubs, the SLWM Taskforce - all of which made this pilot test possible.
Brunswick CMAP Clinic enjoying early Project results.
C. CLUB & MEMBERS Top News & Events
Savannah Area Clubs take action to create a vibrant Rotary ecosystem in Savannah
Saturday, January 13, 2018, DG Hamsa met with key Rotary leaders from the Savannah East, West and Sun Rise Rotary Clubs and District Rotary leaders to bring the three clubs together to develop integrated plans and make a greater impact in Savannah. Within that goal - was the expectation that each Individual Club will strengthen as they continue to differentiate and build upon their own unique vision and culture. Joining him in January were: Candice Clifton, Mike Muldowney, John Petrillo, John Herdina, Cindy Kelley, Carol Coppola, Steve Barnes, and Todd Freesemann.
In further discussion following the January 13 meeting, all six Savannah area Rotary Clubs have now agreed to participate in this initiative - coming together to share goals/accomplishments for 2017-18 & work together towards planning/integrating 2018-19 club goals to create a vibrant Rotary ecosystem in the metropolitan Savannah area.
DG Hamsa has announced the next work session will take place on Feb 8. to include Club Presidents and Presidents-elect from the 6 clubs as well as District level leadership. At the meeting, all six Savannah Clubs will share their 2017-18 goals/accomplishments using the All Clubs Celebrations Citation as a guide, and will then begin an open discussion to identify common grounds for cooperation/partnership projects among the six Savannah Rotary Clubs.
Perry Rotary Club
Makes Ending Polio PERSONAL!
Heather Kellen and Shrad Amrit, both past club presidents of the Perry club were proud to administer polio drops., and wanted to thank the Agra Taj Mahal club who hosted 60 Rotarians from around the world. Rotarians, WHO personnel, and local medical professionals formed multiple teams that moved through the slums of Agra to administer polio drops. Over 2000 kids were immunized or given booster drops. We meet wonderful Rotarians and local people who will now be lifelong friends.
Wonderful Global Grant News: Congratulations to The Rotary Club of FITZGERALD
Rotary International Foundation has announced that Global Grant application GG1745280, to provide medical equipment for an operating room to Irmã Dulce Social Work Association (OSID) in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, submitted by RC Bahia (D-4550) and RC Fitzgerald (D- 6920), has been approved by The Rotary Foundation. The award is in the amount of US$198,195. This is a tremendously worthy project & all of us in District 6920 Applaud Fitsgerald Club for Partnering in this Global Grant!
PDG Preston Johnson Speech Contest
Bradwell Institute and First Presbyterian Christian Academy Interact Members participated in the Rotary Club of Hinesville’s Annual Preston Johnson Speech Contest. 1st Place-Jennesiss Cepeda who will advance and represent the Hinesville club. 2nd Place- Tabitha Reynolds 3rd Place-Elijah Daniel Also pictured Alexandra Harper, FPCA-middle school, Interim Head of School, FPCA-Shannon Hickey, faculty member and Interact Advisors, FPCA-Brooke Childers, Bradwell Institute-Rebecca Woods and President Carla Schreihofer.
Initiated in 1997 by Dublin Rotarian and Past District Governor Preston Johnson, the Preston Johnson High School Speech Contest is a special project engaging Rotarians, educators and students in a meaningful and rewarding opportunity for personal development of our nations future leaders. The contest focuses on the current Rotary International President's theme which is "Rotary: Making A Difference" for the year 2017-2018. Contestants may also use the 4 way test. No matter which theme is used the basic premise remains: the speech contest requires students to research and learn about Rotary in preparing a short speech. Club level contests are held prior to the Zone level contests. Each club may send up to two contestants to the Zone level. The winner from each Zone will receive a $1000.00 scholarship after giving their winning speech at District Conference in April. Additional information can be accessed on the District Website under the Activities tab then the Speech Contest Drop box.
The Metro Savannah Rotary Club partnered with Habitat for Humanity recently for their January service project. 11 members assisted Habitat with placing siding and painting at a renovated home they've been working on located at 1132 East 54th St in Savannah,working from 8:30 to 2:30 on Saturday, January 13th in very cold weather to accomplish the work.The local volunteer coordinator sent a thank you note and said: "You and your group made it possible for us to be closer to the finishing point of another home. We appreciate your dedication and generous support of the Coastal Empire Habitat for Humanity.” Habitat was one of the five finalists for selection of the club's Annual Service Partner this past year. They've made it a point to try and set up monthly service events with each of the finalists who were not selected since they align well with club service goals and also to show appreciation for their efforts to work through the application and interview process to potentially become the Annual Service Partner. Loop It Up was the local charity who ultimately was selected to be their Annual Service Partner for 2017/2018.
The Wrightsville Rotary Club hosted DG Hamsa Thota on 1/10/18. The Visit was a smashing Success - as Club leaders & Members - and Hamsa - shared successes at home & across the District!.
TWO More GREAT Examples of December MAKING A DIFFERENCE Rotary Service -
The Rotary Club of Kings Bay was pleased to present to Camden House (our local shelter for the victims of family violence ) with 10 packs of Lavish Home 3 piece sheet sets and 5 packs of 100% Cotton 6 piece bath towel sets, with this years grant money. Pictured are Sarah Simmons, Assistant Shelter Manager, Paula Goodnow, Club President, Carol Lanham, Club Administrative Chair, Anne Orr, Service Project Chair and Linda Elders, Foundation Chair.
AND The Sandersville Rotary Club read Christmas stories to K-4 graders attending Brentwood and Ridge Road schools. We read to a total of 17 classes. No-one is sure who had more fun: the children or the Rotarians.
D. YOUTH: GRSP, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact
- - Richmond Hill Club President Chris Fettes reports that a highlight of his year was the opportunity to spend time with their GRSP student, David Probst from Germany, over the Christmas Break. While Armstrong was between semesters, David spent some time with the Fettes family, along with other clubs families. Chris even took David to work for a day for a quick overview of the electric distribution grid in Coastal Georgia, noting "Since he’s studying mechanical engineering, I thought he’d appreciate the mechanical aspects of delivering electricity."
ROTA-CADETS - A Special Program for Middle School Kids in Valdosta -
Some 6 years ago - Bob Harrison - Long time passionate Rotarian in the Valdosta North Club, (and in our District), with the blessing of his club, formed THE VALDOSTA NORTH ROTARY “ROTA-CADETS.” Rota-Cadets is a School based Rotary program in a local middle school and by all accounts & experiences - the kids love it. They are teaching the values of SERVICE ABOVE SELF early in school, in hopes of instilling what community service is all about. The Club fully expects to see some of the youngsters involved in their local Rotary Clubs in a few years
Above is a recent photograph of the ROTA-CADETS. Bob (in the Blue Blazer back right) & his wife contribute the T-SHIRTS each year for thegroup. The ROTA-CADETS (and the Harrisons) are very active with Projects every month. - Coat Drives during COLD Weather - Entertaining Retirees - Working with Valdosta North each Christmas on the Salvation Bell Ringing – they raise a good bit of money. People can’t resist their singing! - Magazine drives for Nursing homes - and many more projects
BRAVO to BOB & Valdosta North Club on this WONDERFUL Program!
E. TOOLS & RESOURCES: Citations, Resources, Contact Us, DG’s Calendar of Club Visits
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2017-2018 Citation GOALS for Every Rotarian
1. Bring in a new member. 2. Take Part in a Global Grant Project or in a Community Service Project 3. Take Action to promote Rotary’s Public Image & Community Awareness. 4. Contribute to the Rotary Foundation and/or the GRSP Endowment. 5. Earn the “Rotarian Celebration Citation”.
(For details - Click Here:
Attn: Club Presidents: 2017-2018 GOALS for CLUBS
1. Participate in doing more good with Parntership Projects. 2. Publicize the good your club is doing locally & Globally. 3. Achieve a net gain in members & infcrease diversity. 4. Give to the RI Foundation/GRSP at least 10% more than 2016-17 5. Qualify for District “All Clubs Celebration Citation” recognition.
(For details - Click Here:
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