Annual Club Contests and the District 6920 Eastern Zone Contests

are now organized by Jim Kielt - St. Simons Rotary Club

Pictures of contestants and winners are shown in the links below.


Annual St. Simons Rotary Club Speech Contests

Eastern Zone District 6920 Speech Contests

Preston Johnson Rotary District 6920 Annual High School Speech Contest is a special project engaging Rotarians, educators, and students in a meaningful and rewarding opportunity for personal development of our nation's future leaders. Originally named the 4- Way Test Speech Contest, the contest evolved over the years to focus on the current International President's Annual Theme or the 4-Way Test. No matter which theme is used the basic premise remains: the speech contest requires students to research and learn about Rotary in preparing a short speech; in doing so, the students as well as all audience members receive an invaluable review of the great service which is Rotary.

Club Presidents & Speech Contest Chairs notify school administrators and educators at local area high schools. These individuals should be informed of the Rotary High School Speech Contest and a Scholarship each of the three Zone winners will receive after their speech presentation at District conference. All high school students may compete, freshman through senior. A student having placed or won the club or zone contest in past years as an underclassman may still compete as long as they remain a high school student.

Two finalists from each Rotary club are allowed to compete at the Zone contest. The three first place finalists from the Northern, Eastern, and Western Zones will present their speeches at District Conference, with no competition, and must be present to win.